3 Courses
Businesses innovate to stay relevant; the products
or services are often original ideas that should remain the property of the
company. If these intellectual properties are left unprotected, competitors can
easily duplicate the ideas or innovation to gain a competitive edge leaving the
creator at a loss.
The Course is delivered in two core modules:
Module 1: General Overview of Intellectual Property Law
Module 2: The different categories of Intellectual Property Law and steps for protecting your Rights
The advent of technology has created integration and made access to user data and information easy and more susceptible to cyber- attacks.
Course Modules
Module 1: Internet security fundamentals
Module 2: Cyber attacks
Module 3: Network security
Module 4: Basic Internet Do’s and Don’ts
Module 5: Remedial Measures
While digital revolution has transformed our lives and led us to a gradual integration that exposed us to one another and to the outside world, it has made our privacy slip off our hands.
Course Modules
Module 1: Concept of Private Data
Module 2: Principles of Data Privacy
Module 3: Key Questions on Data Protection
Module 4: Consent
Module 5: Consequences of Data Privacy Breach
Module 6: Fundamentals of Data Protection